Rick Sexed Up the Doc Read online

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  He backed up just enough to give her room to bend over, then grabbed her hips. “I’m ready for you,” he whispered, as he made sure she felt his erection. Loving the size she could feel through his jeans, she snatched up her keys and this time got the key into the lock.

  She dragged him in and swiftly pushed him against the door, kissing him fiercely. Their tongues met in an explosion of revelry and she stripped him of his leather jacket, dropping it to the floor. His kisses melted her and her lips sought more of them. She ran her hands through the back of his hair, liking how the little bit of length gave her purchase to hold his head pressed to hers. Personally, she was not a true Dom or sub, but a mixture of moods.

  Right now she needed, wanted, to be the one in control. “Come with me,” she said, tugging at his hands when she released his lips long enough for air. “My bedroom.”

  He followed her and when she glanced back at his face, she saw heat in his eyes, which scorched her straight down to her clit. The last few steps to her bedroom seemed to take an hour and not a few seconds. She pushed him down on her bed, straddled him, and swiftly unbuttoned his shirt.

  She spread the two front halves and stroked a finger lightly across his chest, closing her eyes as the sensation of his skin worked its way to her brain. She opened them again when his hands cupped her breasts through her clothes.

  Both of them had way too much fabric in the way.

  He apparently had the same thought because he put his hands under her spring cashmere sweater and drew it up over her head, leaving her creamy lace and silk bra marking her breasts as targets for his feasting eyes. He dipped one finger under the silk and circled one peak. She leaned over and flicked her tongue over his nipple, and he took advantage of her position to release the back hooks of her bra strap.

  She laughed low as her breasts sprang from their confinement to fill his large hands. He caressed her breasts, until her nipples were hard pointed peaks, then rubbed the tips between his thumb and middle fingers. Her moans filled the room, joined by his as she began rocking against him through their pants.

  His hands fell to her waist and after briefly playing with her gold and diamond navel ring, he unfastened the waist button and pulled the zipper down. She did the same for his jeans and moved down his legs as she pulled his pants and boxers off at the same time. She kicked her slacks off and crawled back up his body, her movements sinuous as a cat. She swayed her breasts against his thighs as she moved.

  Her lips strolled across the head of his dick, kissing it, and trailing kisses to the base of him. His muscles tensed under her and his shaft jerked with each kiss. Feeling the power of being a woman, she reached back and unclasped her hair.

  In a swift movement, he bucked her off him, flipped her to her back, and pinned her under him. He fisted his hands in her hair and kissed down her neck, nipping and sucking until she writhed under him. He moved his hands back to her nipples, this time kneading harder, then lightly pinching her nipples.

  He gentled his touch, kept one hand fisted in her hair, and took a taut peak in his mouth and sucked hard. Her back arched into him and she started panting. He poured the same attention to her other nipple, continued to hold her head still, and suckled. Hard. He nipped and sucked until her pussy dripped. Despite her initial feelings of wanting to be in control, she wanted him to thoroughly storm her gates as he had her tits.

  As if he heard her wishes, his free hand moved to where the heat in her centered. His thumb parted her vulva and dipped into her slick cream, then rubbed her clit in mini round strokes. His middle finger dipped in as he changed the circular motion to an up and down one. It felt good, but she wanted more. Hard and fast and now.

  He pulled his hand away from her and reached across her for something on her nightstand. The condom. She wiggled as he used his teeth to open it, and didn’t take his other hand out of her hair. His shaft was now rubbing against her clit as he moved, the heat searing her. When he stopped, her hips started to impatiently move against him. He took the condom out of its packaging to place it on his dick.

  He rolled the protection down, her eyes following his hand that had been stroking her. She reached her hand out to help him unroll the condom. As soon as it covered his length, his hips moved a little ways from her as he positioned himself. His hand guided him to the entrance of her dripping wet pussy. When his dick lined up, he pushed in an inch, and moved his hand to her clit. He used the pad of his thumb to rub against the engorged portion. He lengthened his stroke, slowly moving about halfway in before retreating.

  She tried to push for more, she wanted to be fucked, but he made her wait. When her stomach started to tighten, he plunged deep, over and over. She nearly came off the bed in a series of small spasms as her orgasm ripped through her. He never let go of her hair, just pushed harder into her, not letting her come down off the orgasm.

  Tremors rocked through her and still he pounded, the sound of skin hitting skin filling the room in time with their heavy breathing. He pulled his hand out of her hair and covered her throat with his hands, his thumb holding her jawbone.

  He smiled as she moaned again, then put her left leg so her calf rested on his shoulder. He then deepened the strokes, harder he pushed, driving her need up, spiraling. His long dick was thick, stretching her, and stroking her.

  She could barely breathe and her stomach clenched in knots with each stroke into her pussy, her orgasm never really going away. Out of nowhere, it started spiking high again, and she tightened around him ready for her big orgasm.

  Faster he pushed into her, holding her ankle so tight she would likely have bruises. His breathing matched hers and sensations of color burst through her as he shouted and she followed him over the edge, helped on by his continuous pumps.

  He pulled out gently, moved off the bed, and stepped into the bathroom to throw the condom away. Exhausted she pulled a sheet over her. “That was fantastic,” she purred.

  “Thanks,” he said, and leaned over and kissed her forehead. “I love quick lunches. Hope we can do this again soon.” He winked at her as he got his clothes on. “I’ll call you to set up an appointment doc.”

  She laughed at his joke and appreciated his understanding in needing her space now that the storm had blown over. She had to reflect on her patient and what more to do if things didn’t improve. She began replaying the morning’s delivery in her head as she got dressed and was in full doctor mode before heading out the door again.

  Chapter Three

  Rick hoped he had done the right thing leaving her so fast after sex. He knew women liked to cuddle, but she had needed release, not a listener. If she had needed to talk, she would have started in the car when he gave her the opening. If he were wrong, well, the quickie had been good and he would be sorry he couldn’t have more.

  Once home, he set a timer to remind him to clean up for his date with Brian tonight. Excitement hummed through him. Months without even a date and I have two in one day. Picking up a paintbrush and his palette, he started painting on the blank canvas.

  When he finished, he stepped back to stare at it, checking for composition and color. His passion, his excitement, his conflicting feelings over seeing a man, all expressed on the abstract piece. Normally a realist painter, it was a far cry from his other works. Still, he liked the feel of it and decided to keep it rather than scrape it down.

  He cleaned his brushes and started to plan his next painting, when the buzzer on his kitchen timer went off. A huge grin split his concentration. After quickly showering, he shaved and dressed in record time. He chose to take his bike rather than the car. He reached the restaurant a few minutes early, and sat on his bike, watching for Brian to arrive.

  Brian’s large truck rumbled into the lot. The light coming in through the back window emphasized his broad shoulders. Rick got off his bike and walked to the front door to wait for Brian. Now that he’d had his noon quickie with Nelda, he felt more relaxed and limber.

  Until he saw Brian walk toward

  The man oozed sexuality just by breathing. Tight thighs shown off by the black jeans and cowboy boots, the pecs of steel showed off by a plain white T-shirt. Are those piercings making the bumps under his shirt? And gorgeous skin caressed chiseled jaw bones Rick hoped to touch one day didn’t hurt the impression.

  “Hi, Brian,” Rick said as his date approached, and opened the door for him. Judging by the flicker of surprise in the dark brown eyes, Brian didn’t get the courtesy very often. The hostess settled them at a table. Rick waited until their waitress came with their menus and took their drink orders.

  “Where are you from?” Rick asked. He could be wrong, but Brian didn’t seem like he came from Washington, although Rick couldn’t quite pinpoint why.

  Brian flashed him a teasing grin. “I’m not from around these here parts,” he said in a southern drawl.

  Rick grinned back. “That’s what it is,” he replied. “Your drawl is hardly noticeable, but a few words are still there. It’s very sexy,” he added boldly, testing the waters.

  “So I’ve been told,” Brian said huskily. “I’ve also been told I have a silver tongue.”

  Rick’s cock sprang up at his words. He would like to see if Brian’s tongue could produce cream. “I hope I get a chance to find out,” he said.

  Their waitress arrived with their drinks. “It’s looking good so far.” Brian smiled and took the drink given to him. The waitress pinked up and Rick grinned at her. She was cute, flashing green eyes and red hair, but Rick knew Brian had not been referring to the waitress.

  She pulled out her pad and smiled. “What can I get you boys?” Rick and Brian shared a look. Rick’s heart accelerated. By the knowing grin, Brian liked women too.” We haven’t decided yet. What’s the special?” Rick asked.

  The poor woman blushed again. “Normally, the night’s special would have been the first thing I offer. Two enchilada’s rice, beans, and salad,” she said, and then rattled off prices.

  She still seemed nervous. Both men took pity on her and ordered the specials. “What did you do in the south?” Rick asked when she left. “And what part of the south?”

  “I grew up in Georgia until my junior year. Then we moved to North Carolina where I went to work and made chairs for The Hickory Chair Company.”

  Rick looked at him blankly. He had expected construction. “Chairs?” Then he swallowed, trying to clear the squeakiness out of his voice.

  Brian smiled largely at him. “Among other things. My family took to calling me Hickory because I talked nonstop about my job when I first got it.”

  Rick choked on his drink. He grabbed his maroon cloth napkin and wiped his chin. He decided not to tell Brian of his earlier thoughts when looking at the delicious color of skin. Brian looked at Rick inquiringly, standing up as if to help him further with the Heimlich Maneuver, if needed. But Rick waved him off. “Excuse me. Sorry. Please, go on,” Rick encouraged him when he could speak.

  Brian gave him a curious look, but continued. “I also began buying their furniture when I saw how they were made. Great company to work for, but I needed to be outside more so I joined a construction crew which travelled, and ended up here.”

  “How long you sticking around?” Rick hoped for an answer beyond a few days. The aroma of meat cooking, with that tangy, sweet, concoction Rick associated with Mexican food, permeated the air. He was hungry—not just for food.

  “Indefinitely. I signed on to work any contracts in this area. I’m overseer for the Washington projects the company has going on. What do you do?”

  Rick felt the twinge of fear of this strong, earthy man laughing at his own career, but still proudly told him. “I’m an artist.” Outside, he showed only nonchalance. Inside, he waited for the sneer, the coldness many of his ex-girlfriend’s friends and family had treated him. What he wasn’t ready for was Brian’s enthusiasm.

  “No shit? That’s great. I loved crafting the wood with my hands. Wished more of it was done by hand. Born in the wrong era for that. Course, in a different era, I may have been picking cotton whether I liked it or not. Quarter negro still counted as slave, back in the day.” Brian’s eyes were on him intently, studying his reactions.

  “A quarter? Really? I didn’t do so well in history unless it had to do with art,” Rick replied.

  Brian’s low laugh sent tendrils of awareness through him and he lost track of what he had been saying. Rick squirmed as his jeans pulled tight across his erection. Brian must have noticed Rick’s restless movement because his own eyes flared with sudden heat. Feeling like a teenager on his first date, Rick racked his head for something to talk about.

  Thankfully, their dinner came and the conversation flowed easily from there. Rick found excuses to touch Brian’s hands to see how at ease he would be. Rick was dominant. He needed a man willing to be submissive to him, or at least not try and control him.

  “One thing about this valley, you can get some decent Mexican food,” Brian said.

  “Yes, you can,” Rick said pointedly. Brian’s Hispanic roots were obvious to Rick who studied and painted faces all the time. Rick’s breathing increased and he enjoyed the way Brian swallowed hard. The small signs of sexual tension only made Rick hotter.

  “Do you follow orders well?” Rick asked him.

  “If I wish to,” Brian said without shyness. “I can be sub or Dom to answer what I think you’re really asking.”

  Imagining Brian laid out with his hands cuffed to the four poster bed at his house had Rick’s stomach doing flip flops and his jeans were now so tight, he could not have stood up for any reason without serious pain to his cock. Brian’s shirt pulled across his chest as he reached for the saltshaker and Rick’s mouth went dry. Definitely piercings.

  By the time dinner was over, he knew he wanted to sleep with Brian and didn’t see any reason to pretend otherwise. When they walked back out to their vehicles, Rick followed him to the truck. “Hey, I don’t live too far from here. Want to follow me home for a beer?”

  The sexual tension sprang up between them again. Both knew what he really wanted and it wasn’t a drink. “I haven’t been with a man in a long time,” Brian admitted.

  Rick raised an eyebrow. “Is that a yes or no?”

  “I’ll follow you home.”

  Rick walked to his bike, hoping his erection would settle a little before he had to swing his leg over. Revving the engine when he passed Brian’s truck, he led the way home. Once there, he unlocked the door and let Brian in behind him, wondering what his guest would think of his artistic home.

  By his colors and flow, the art on the walls, his home revealed the artistic side of him. What it did not show was how much he liked sex and his proclivities in the arena. He saved it for the bedroom. Brian stood looking at the artwork.

  “All of these yours?” he asked Rick.

  “No, a few are artist friends’ work I’ve bought over the years. I have others I keep in controlled storage. You never know who’ll be the next Picasso.”

  “You’re good,” Brian said, standing under an ocean painting Rick had done for himself.

  He walked up behind Brian, crowding his space a little bit. “You want to find out how good?” Okay, cheesy line, but he was a lot out of practice, particularly with men, and he’d had a hard-on for Brian all night. Rick wrapped his arms around Brian’s waist and nuzzled the lower corner of his neck. They were about the same height.

  Brian backed into his embrace, fitting himself up against Rick’s erection, easing yet increasing his torment. Rick nipped at the neck, testing Brian for his likes. Brian sucked in a breath and leaned harder into him. Rick smiled against his neck. This is going to be fun.

  He continued to nip and suck gently on Brian’s neck as his hands moved under Brian’s shirt to his nipples. He gently tugged on the rings and Brian gasped. Rick steered him to the plush couch, staying behind Brian with plans for them to sit on the couch.

  He kissed the back of Brian’s neck and across the shoulder
blades and then turned Brian to face him. He pulled Brian’s shirt off and undid the snap on the jeans. He rubbed his hands up and down Brian’s chest, loving the reflexive jerks his pecs made as his hands touched them.

  He kissed his way down to one silver ring, darted the tip of his tongue through the loop and pulled with his tongue. Brian hissed through his teeth in pleasure. Rick released the ring and caressed the nipple with his tongue, lapping and soothing before repeating it on the other nipple ring.

  His hand moved down to feel Brian’s cock and he groaned as he felt the size of him. He unzipped Brian’s jeans wanting to feel the skin. Brian’s dick sprang free, no underwear to hinder his access further. He kissed his way down Brian’s belly, his lips savoring the soft skin, light rasp of hairs as they trailed to his destination.

  As he moved down, his hands pushed the jeans down to Brian’s ankles. He took Brian in both hands and squeezed like he did when touching himself. Brian gasped and made a small sound in the back of his throat, so Rick stroked him slowly, firmly. Forget the couch.

  He had meant to wait until they were in the bedroom before unclothing his Adonis, to extend the foreplay. But he had become carried away. He thumbed Brian’s head, circling, brushing under the flare, then stroked down again, this time flicking his tongue where his thumb had just gone.

  Brian’s hips rocked into his mouth pushing the tip to his lips. Rick took the hint and opened his mouth wider, first just letting the tip in, getting it moist. He did a few deep sucks, as much for him as for Brian. They needed to get to his room and soon.

  He stood up and kissed Brian on the mouth. “Come. My room’s this way.” He walked with purpose, his hard-on aching, and led the way to a large room.

  The center of the room held his bed, which currently had black sheets on it, with the blanket and top sheet half off. Maybe he should have made his bed at some point today. He certainly wouldn’t have thought to do it this morning when he woke up. When had been the last time he brought home visitors?